Streamlining User Onboarding – Four Areas to Consider

Did you see the news about a Nevada sportsbook going down during the NFL Super Bowl? Ultimately antiquated technology was to blame along with Nevada’s in-person registration mandate.

In the world of online gaming, the onboarding process is crucial for user acquisition and retention. However, this process can be a challenge for both users and operators. Users often find it cumbersome and time-consuming, while operators need to ensure that they are complying with regulatory requirements and preventing fraud. This is where automated ID verification with biometrics such as OCR Labs can help.

Automated ID verification with biometrics is a process that uses a user’s biometric data, such as facial recognition, to verify their identity. This technology has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. It offers a fast and secure way to verify a user’s identity, making it an ideal solution for the gaming industry.

1. A faster and smoother onboarding process

One of the primary benefits of using automated ID verification with biometrics in the onboarding process is the speed and efficiency it offers. Traditional ID verification methods, such as manual document checks, can be time-consuming and require a significant amount of effort from the user. This can lead to frustration and can even cause users to abandon the registration process altogether.

With biometric ID verification, the process is streamlined, and users can complete the onboarding process more quickly and easily. They simply need to provide a selfie like many phones require today, and the system will quickly verify their identity. This can significantly improve the user experience and increase the likelihood of completing the registration process.

2. Enhanced security and fraud prevention

Fraud is a significant concern for the gaming industry, and automated ID verification with biometrics can help to mitigate this risk. By using biometric data, operators can ensure that the user is who they claim to be, reducing the risk of identity theft, money laundering, and other fraudulent activities.

This type of ID verification can also help to prevent account takeovers and other types of fraud that can harm both the user and the operator. With biometric data, operators can ensure that only the authorized user has access to the account, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and fraudulent activity.

3. Compliance with regulatory requirements

In many jurisdictions, gaming operators are required to verify the identity of their users as part of their licensing and regulatory requirements. Automated ID verification with biometrics can help to meet these requirements efficiently and effectively.

4. Increased trust and confidence

Automated ID verification with biometrics can also help to increase trust and confidence among users. By using this technology, operators can demonstrate their commitment to security and compliance, which can help to build trust with users.

When users feel that their information is secure and that the operator is taking steps to prevent fraud, they are more likely to feel confident in using the platform. This can lead to increased user retention and a more positive reputation for the operator.


Automated ID verification with biometrics is an essential tool for the gaming industry. It offers a fast and secure way to verify the identity of users, which can improve the user experience, enhance security and fraud prevention, meet regulatory requirements, and increase trust and confidence. By implementing biometric ID verification, gaming operators can streamline the onboarding process, reduce the risk of fraud, and build trust with their users, ultimately driving user acquisition and retention.

