There’s a huge amount of discussion in the US at the moment about whether or not enough is being done with regard to Responsible Gambling. There are a lot of lessons to be learned from the UK market specifically, both about best in class RG practices and as well as a cautionary tale regarding avoiding over regulation.
With player’s health on the line and record fines being imposed globally to the tune of tens of millions of pounds for failings, it’s in the interest of every operator to ensure responsible gaming remains front and centre of their overall strategy.
As we know, when gambling is not conducted responsibly, it can easily lead to a range of negative consequences, such as addiction, financial problems, relationship breakdowns, and mental health issues. These consequences can not only harm individuals but also have wider societal impacts, such as increased healthcare costs and social problems, not to mention the impact it can have on the regulatory stability of an operator.
In addition to its ethical and social responsibility, promoting responsible gambling can also benefit the gaming industry by enhancing its reputation and credibility. Customers are more likely to trust and engage with companies that demonstrate a commitment to responsible gambling, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and revenue over the long term.
As leading RG and Positive Play Consultants, we champion the innovative work that most operators are doing to genuinely ensure their player protection strategies and general regulatory affairs are world class, but we often hear people questioning everything from ‘RG will just hurt my revenue’ to ‘RG is someone else’s focus.’
Ultimately, RG should never be thought of as an independent workstream but rather it should be intertwined seamlessly into the player experience. CRM is one key area where stringent rules should be in place. Obviously should a customer be at risk of gambling harm, it is imperative that they are removed from distribution lists to make sure they don’t receive any further promotional material.
It’s also a common misconception that RG practices and policies would lead to a decrease in revenue. In reality, promoting responsible gambling can actually benefit operators by creating a sustainable and trustworthy industry that attracts and retains customers who feel safe and respected.
While there may be short-term costs associated with implementing responsible gambling practices, operators who prioritise responsible gambling will ultimately benefit in the long run. Who doesn’t want a predictable LTV from their customers?!
Ultimately, it’s in our interest to protect our players if we want to sustain our industry and the more we can do together proactively to prove our commitment and innovation in this field will help to stave off the UK style of over regulation and communication breakdown between the operator and the regulator.